Scientific engagement at CSIR labs
A scientific excursion was organized by KAMP (Knowledge and Awareness Mapping Platform), on 8 September 2022, for the toppers of the National Assessment for Scientific Temperament & Aptitude (NASTA) 2019 and 2020, at the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology in Delhi. The focus of this excursion was to expose students to some cutting edge scientific experiences.
Dr Kanika Mallik, noted scientist, addressed the assembly and acquainted it about how Genomics is being used to cure diseases. To mark the beginning of the programme, the teachers and students were divided into groups to view the laboratories. Aarav Bansal of class VIII E of our School along with the teacher representative Ms Kanika Ralhan observed the labs. Each group was accompanied by a research scholar who escorted them, where they witnessed the Zebrafish facility, Transmission electron microscopes, the Scanning electron microscope, Mass spectrometer and the Supercomputer as they interacted with the scientists present.
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The students were guided through an experiment, wherein they were helped to isolate DNA from bananas. By performing the experiment, the students comprehended that DNA is not only responsible for the transfer of genetic information, its sequencing also helps in predicting an individual's susceptibility to a particular disease like cancer.
The coordinator of the outreach programme, Dr Beena Pillai, chief scientist shared, how she happened to choose the her profession, namely research. She acquainted the audience about her topic for ger doctorate degree and how her every scientific discovery taught her important life lessons. Towards the end of her address, she requested the parent community to support their children in whatever they aspire to be and to also be supportive in their failures. This will have an optimistic impact on their overall worldview and mental health.