
Scrapslabs Fest 2016

The Lotus Valley International School, Noida in collaboration with Scraplabs hosted the Scraplabs Fest 2016 on 3rd December 2016. This event was a carnival of imagination, innovation and invention where students from classes 3 to 8 were made to participate in events named 'explorer-a-thon and invent-a-thon.

The events organised provided the young minds with a platform to think, collaborate and showcase their skills. Explore-a-thon, open to students between classes 3 to 5, required them to create a robotic vehicle while invent-a-thon, open to students between classes 6 to 8, encouraged them to come up with their own version of a fighter robot!

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Before getting them to create their masterpieces, the participants were put through a round of training workshops. From the ideas they picked up during these workshops, they were able to create some ingenious work.

Students from School who participated in the workshop were Shristi Boral (III D), Bhumika Rustagi (IV C), Kovid Sharma (5A), Avni Mathur (6D), Vedika Gupta (7E) and Rishika Makwana (8 D).

Our children worked hard to create some exceptional work and we look forward to engaging our students in workshops such as these, which aim to foster the imagination of children and provide them with a platform to design creatively.

Ms. Parul Singh.