
Seed collection during Environment Week

On the occasion on Environment Week, we the students of class VII, went to the neighbourhood park on a seed collection drive on 12 July, 2017. 40 students took part in this drive, whose purpose was to educate students about conservation and nature. The mission was the collection of seeds, to be nurtured for eventual planting elsewhere, as our small contribution to the mission of the greening of our city.

The drive was conducted by Ms Garima Singh, senior art teacher and Ms. Rukmini Thampi, social science teacher. Ms. Garima Singh explained the various environmental threats in our societies before beginning to speak about trees. Some students then proceeded to collect seeds whilst some others started the task of planting.

We were introduced to the exercise of preparing ' seed bombs' which are seeds packed in soil and manure as ball. These when hurled at distances upon barren land, in the rainy season, will sprout to become saplings, on their journey to become trees!

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Garima maam showed us different trees on the way, pointing out their salient features. We saw the Kasaud, Champa and several lemon trees. In the park the first tree we saw was Baccain. The tree itself was burnt but most of its seeds were unharmed. We also spotted two kinds of Moulsuri trees. We saw the Drooping Pendula, the Ashok and the Sita Ashok. We sorted the seeds harvested into distinct bags before stowing them away.

After the drive we played a game, where we were to continuously name trees without repeating! Anyone who paused or repeated the name of a certain tree would be disqualified. We enjoyed ourselves thoroughly.

The drive ended on a fun note and all the students enjoyed it. The event lasted about an hour and a half. The seed bombs will be readied and planted on the 15th and 16th of July.

It was a wonderful experience where we interacted with nature and learnt a lot in the process.

Ananya, class 7- E.