
Self-Discovery in Pre-primary

Who Am I? This is the ultimate question we should ask ourselves to start on our journey of self-discovery and personal growth. Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.- Aristotle As a part of discovering one self and spiral learning, the pre-primary department of our School introduced the children to the act of getting to know their little selves through a series of engaging activities held in the first week of April 2016. The highlight of the weeklong exercises was an activity where the children were made to observe their facial features in a mirror at School. They observed carefully how they looked, the colour of their eyes, the shapes of their noses, their ears and how they appeared when they smiled or frowned. Most giggled in glee as they tried to assess themselves![gallery link="file"] This was followed by an All about Me activity in which visuals of myriad facial expressions and moods were shown to the children from which they had to identify the ones that matched their own! Children observed the cards carefully and related them to their own moods. It was not difficult then to prompt them to try drawing what they thought looked like. Children wrote their names and spoke few lines about themselves; their favorite colours, fruit and friends. The colourful paint based handprints of the little ones were also an important part of the self-discovery process. The creativity that flowed was amply exhibited on the pin board much to the delight of the little artists. Undoubtedly, a great treat for both the creators and their facilitators! Ms. Neha Arora