
Self Discovery Week, 9 -12 April, 2012

Self Discovery Week, 9 -12 April, 2012

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.

- Robert Frost

  The start of each new academic year is celebrated as a renewal, as it were. A renewed ride of self-discovery. We believe that each child must be guided age-appropriately and progressively to continually stop and renew his/ her search. For, the more we understand ourselves and recognize our qualities, the oftener will we make the right choices as we grow up and even as we journey life as adults. This year too, Self Discovery Week welcomed students back to School in a new academic year. A mosaic of activities were planned for each level to make the exercise joyous. The juniors painted self-portraits, and those older preferred to articulate their impressions either by a diary entry or even a piece of poetry or prose. The results were profuse and pretty and some of the nuances exhibited by the children were truly moving.   As filed by Ms. Sonia Majumdar, senior teacher, English.