
Self Discovery Week activities in Pre primary

Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.- Aristotle Each year, the academic session begins with a Self Discovery Week at our School. This year too, as in the past, the tiny tots of the Pre-primary engaged in self-discovery activities during the first week of April, 2021. The carefully planned exercises included the drawing of a self-portrait. The task involved a hand mirror. The young artists drew themselves as they saw their mirror images. They held their crayons carefully as they attempted to copy the contours from the looking glass! The engrossed look on the young faces were delightful to watch. [gallery link="file" order="DESC"] The exuberant artists also learned rhymes on discovering themselves. These rhymes captured the essence of both physical and emotional qualities. One rhyme "I am Special" particularly brought forth animation. The little munchkins were fascinated when asked to observe their facial features in the mirror. They noticed the colour of their eyes, the shape of their noses and ears, their look when smiling or frowning, etc. The children giggled in glee as they saw their cherubic mirror images smiling back at them! This exercise was the highlight of the week! In another riveting activity, the children looked at several flashcards with emoticons. This highly engaging exercise saw the children identifying the emoticons that matched their expression or mood! The children observed the cards and carefully chose the ones that they felt came close to themselves. Next, the little artists captured their vivacious expressions on paper. The journey of self-discovery was a fun-filled experience for the nascent learners on the threshold of formal schooling. click here to view more pictures.