
Self Discovery Week in class 5

Class V embarked upon a self-discovery voyage from 4th to 7th April 2016. Several stimulating activities were planned and carried out within the classroom to get children to make interesting discoveries about themselves. Day One: Self Portrait and Ice-breaker Most of the first day was spent on SELF-PORTRAITs ,in which students drew impressions of themselves. This was followed by an ice- breaker activity called Discovering Ourselves and our Friends. The objective of the activity was to highlight similarities and differences between members of the class. This proved an ice- breaker especially for those students who had not been together in the same class earlier and were interacting with each other effectively for the first time.

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At the start, the children lined up at one end of the classroom. They were told to take a step forward each time one of the following statements applied to them. Some were able to reach the other end faster than the others as more pstatements agreed with them! The idea was not just to discover things about oneself but about others too. It was a fun activity and generated a lot of laughter! Walk to the line/take a step forward if you like the colour red like pizza watch reality shows play a sport play an instrument have ever cried yourself to sleep have ever thought you were fat have ever been made fun of because of the way you looked have ever wished you had different hair have ever had a fight with your best friend have ever been in a big fight with your parents and said something you regretted have ever been terrified have ever judged someone based on their appearance have ever judged someone because of their race have ever wanted to be part of a more popular group have ever lied to your mum or dad write in a diary or journal have ever wished you were thinner have ever cheated on a test or in an assignment have ever lied to your friends

Day Two: Different Roles Each of us plays a number of different roles. Our role at home is different from the one we have at School. We also take on a different role while interacting with the different people in our lives. On day Two, students had to portray some of the roles they played in their day to day lives. Based on a cue given to them, each child turned into either a student, son, daughter, brother or sister and attempted to enact the character. This activity allowed students to analyse, demonstrate and explore the different ways in which they act with important people in their lives. Day Three: My Role Model

On day Three, students identified their role models and listed reasons for choosing them. The role models were chosen on the basis of different criteria. Some were identified on the basis of being great friends while some others were chosen simply for being good decision-makers. Others were chosen for their contributions to the sports, to academics or community service. The activity encouraged students to explore role models, with whom they could relate.

Day Four- Express Yourself

On day Five, the children in each section were asked to express their thoughts on a topic given to them.

1. 5 things that you can do to become a better student. (5A)

2. The most important thing I learnt last year at School. (5B)

3. What goals do you plan to achieve in your future years at School?(5C)

4. 10 crazy reasons why I couldnt do my homework. (5D)

5. Invent a new subject for your School. (5E)

This activity too generated a lot of originality as each child spoke from a novel perspective and so collectively, the exercise provided an interesting range of answers.

By the end of the week, the works which exhibited good ideas, expression and talent were showcased for everyone to view in the School reception area.

Ms. Purnima Dwivedi.