
Self Discovery Week in classes 2 to 5

Know thyself is a classic platitude that continues to offer a valuable reminder today. It is only through the discovery of the self that we can identify our purpose and actualise our potential.

Every year, our School starts the new academic session with a week-long journey of self-discovery. This year too, various stimulating activities were successfully planned for and meticulously executed for the students of classes III to V. These activities opened new doors of insight and a lighthearted approach to explore the inner self.

The activities and games like Who Are You? ( Ice Breaker), helped the students to overcome their inhibitions, explore their common interests and discover similarities and differences between classmates.

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While students of classes III and IV made collages that portrayed their interests, hobbies, their icons- the class V students created a self-portrait, an introspective art form. They also made paper bracelets and wall hangings of recycled materials.

During the course of the special week, the students were also acquainted with good virtues like honesty, generosity, courage etc that are considered worthy in building up the character of an individual. The young enthusiasts were called upon to trace their hands on paper and pen down any three moral values that they would like to inculcate. This enjoyable task was followed by a creative writing exercise wherein the students were encouraged to introspect and discover their strengths and abilities.

The week concluded on a note of mutual admiration and appreciation. Each student came forward to highlight the positive traits of a classmate. This helped create bonhomie amongst the young classmates and also provided a sneak peek into their personalities.

The fun-filled week of discovering self and others bridged the gap between students and created a positive learning environment