Senior and Junior inter school Creative Writing competition at Ramjas School.
On 24th April 2017, 12 students of The Indian school accompanied by Ms. Purnima Dwivedi, participated in a creative writing competition at Ramjas School.
We reached the venue at about 10 am and were greeted by students. Special roll numbers were provided to the participating students. Rooms were allotted according to the category for participation. The competition commenced at 11 am with 40 schools and about 300 enthusiastic students participating!
Special arrangement was made in the school Hall for the accompanying teachers who were entertained with performances presented by the students of Ramjas School, followed by refreshments.
The competition was for creative writing in Hindi and English. The students had to choose 1 of the 3 topics given to them. They had to complete the task in an hour. Students were also provided a light refreshment by the host school.
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Every students was handed a Participation certificate, although the results of the competition is awaited.
From the Primary section, the students who participated in the Hindi creative writing contest were:-
1. Paavani Khanna- 5D
2. Viraj Gaba -5A
3. Niyati Khurana -5A.
Those who did the English creative writing were:
1. Kavya Gera 5A
2. TarikaChima 4C
3. Sristhi Boral 4E
Students from the senior section who participated in the Hindi creative writing were:-
1. Anushka Saxena 8B
2. Chhanak Dang 8E
3. Preet Chhabra 8E
Those who participated in the English creative writing were:
1. Anoushka Sen Gupta 8A
2. Ananya Sunderesan 7E
3. Samarbir Singh 7B
A few interesting observations by our students-
According to Paavani Khanna, Overall it was a valuable experience, as the students vocabulary and writing skills were tested. It gave the students an exposure to the world of literary competitions.
Anoushka Saxena- It was a good experience to enhance our skills at on-the-spot writing. The topics given were quite interesting like: - If I became invisible, When I helped someone and My interesting vacation. The time given was 1 hour and we had to choose one topic of the three and give them a beautiful essay. I chose the topic If I became Invisible. I had fun writing about some mischief I could do or maybe help someone without him/ her knowing about it! I learnt a lot about on-the-spot writing and would not repeat my mistakes again. I would like to thank my teachers for giving me this opportunity and hope to be chosen in future also.
The students were adjudged on
1. Originality, Expression and the Command over the language
After a power-packed day we returned to School at 1 pm.
We eagerly await the result and hope for the best.
Ms. Purnima Dwivedi.