

Technology is the new globalisation, connecting humans not only on the planet but also in space. Today it is the youth and the children who are the maximum users of internet and their ideas can really bring about a substantial change in the future.

The Indian School participated in Skype-a-Thon, a Microsoft Initiative to connect schools in different countries, through VoIP and Skype.

The Skype sessions were conducted for classes V to X, on 28th and 29th November, 2017 where the students virtually travelled a distance of more than 178,000 miles and interacted with students of numerous countries. Malaysia, Zimbabwe, Egypt, Czech Republic, Vietnam, Brazil, Israel, Australia were some of the countries that participated in the exchange programme.

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Students of our School demonstrated great enthusiasm and interest in interacting with the students of foreign schools, sharing with them their own heritage and culture. The junior school students of our School had their sessions with Vietnam and Israel, where they shared their own culture, heritage, and history. Through a power point presentation they also demonstrated delicacies, dance forms, festivals, monuments distinctive to their countries.

The senior school students also came dressed in a variety of costumes and displayed the regional and cultural diversity of India. When the students of our school were singing the school song, the students from Malaysia stood up for it too!

All the students were thrilled to talk to each other. Our students also invited the schools for a trip to India to experience our hospitality.

Aryan Singh IXD.