
Skype classroom with a Nigerian educator for classes 6 and 7

Skype exchanges in virtual classrooms has become an indispensable platform for bringing global learners together. Students of classes VI and VII had an opportunity to engage with Mr Amalike James from Nigeria on 24 November at 1 pm IST in an online meeting organised by their teacher, Ms Ekta Chitkara.

The young students excitedly waited for the interaction to begin. Their eagerness and enthusiasm to meet new Nigerian friends knew no bounds. Our students were more than happy to shoulder the responsibility of acquainting their Nigerian friends with the Indian national symbols, cuisines, dances and festivals. They introduced them to aspects of the Indian way of life and traditions, upholding a patriotic fervour in their hearts.

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Paavni of class VII presented a beautiful kathak performance. Our students shared with their peers across the screen, information about some of Indias favourite gastronomic delights like the littti choka, pav bhaji, idli, sambar, and sweets like the jalebi and rasagulla.

Mr. James spoke about Nigeria and shared images of the Nigerian flag, the attire of Nigerian people and the weather there. He showed pictures of popular tourist spots, beaches and the exotic waterfalls of Nigeria. The visual narrative captivated the students and they were fascinated to learn things about a country that is located thousands of miles away.

The session provided an international experience and global exposure to the children. They also got a great opportunity to make friends in a different land, culture and ethnicity, thus, promoting the idea of global oneness.

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