
Skype classrrom with a Russian teacher for class 1

A Skype classroom was held on 29 December 2020 with a Russian educator, Nadezhda Ivanova. It was an excellent session as our children of class I were eager to meet her and know about Russia. They were told about the severe winters in Siberia through photographs shared by Ms Ivanova. They also learnt to greet in Russian!

Our students greeted Ms Ivanova, then introduced themselves and spoke about their country. They also told her about the capital city of India, the famous historical sites of Delhi and our national symbols. Two students narrated a folktale using puppets.

The Russian teacher then narrated a Russian folk story- " The enormous Turnip". She engaged the children by asking them questions relating to the story and also about inter connected things. She lent to making them observe and build linkages with what they had heard and what they already know.

The children thoroughly enjoyed themselves. It was delightful to watch them shed their inhibitions and interface freely with Ms Ivanova. They were excited and keen to know more about Russia. The session greatly helped the children build their confidence and know more about another country.