
Skype exchange with peers in Croatia for assistance 1D

Class 1 meets peers in Croatia on Skype

On 22 December 2020, the students of class 1D along with their teacher Ms. Jaspreet Kaur met the students of the Grammar School Bernardin Frankopan in Ogulin, Croatia, and their teacher, Ms. Marijana. The virtual session was conducted on Google Meet.

The students on both sides seemed very eager and excited to meet and share their thoughts and feelings about Christmas which was the theme of the exchange.

Our students dressed as Santa and other symbols of Christmas like the reindeer, the tree, etc., were eager to show their Christmas preparations to their peers in the Croatian school. Some students shared visuals of Christmas craft whilst others shared pictures of decorations at home. The Croatians showed pictures of their city bedecked with lights especially visuals of churches near their homes.

The session lasted about 20 minutes and was lapped up by the children. They were introduced to a new culture and rediscovered the universal values of sharing and camaraderie that comes with Christmas. It was a wonderful learning experience.