
Skype session by Pre School

"Storytelling is the most powerful way to put ideas into the world" Robert McKee.

Childhood is full of magical times and wondrous tales of mysterious beings in faraway lands. Storytelling helps little children gain a better understanding of values and cultures from diverse backgrounds and places.

The Indian School emphasises on creating global classrooms and facilitates such occasions regularly. The virtual session with Ms Nadezhda Ivanova, storyteller from Russia, for our Pre schoolers on 26 June 2021 at 8 am IST, was a step towards this objective.

Ms Ivanova teaches English at a secondary school and lives in Krasnoyarsk, Russia. In a vivid narrative, she brought alive the Russian folk tale - Masha and the Bear.

This story is about a little girl Masha, who goes to the forest with her friends. In the forest, she meets a bear. The bear is lonely and wants company. He forcibly takes Masha to his house. However, Masha escapes from the bear's cottage and the woods using her wit.

The fascinating story held its young audience spellbound. Next, it was the turn of nascent Indianites to speak and share their tales with the Russian storyteller. Ms Ivanovar was pleasantly surprised to hear the young children share experiences of their online lessons.

A group of lively and confident Pre schoolers made charming presentations that were as interesting as they were informative. Suhani Sehgal presented a rhyme on the Garden of Kindness; Kiansha Paul showcased the germination process of seeds through vegetable printing, Anvi Prakash presented her artwork made of paper strips, and Navika Dutta described the Relationship Day celebrations. Lastly, Madhavi showed her Rainbow craft made by paper tearing and pasting.

The session concluded on a delightful note, with Kiyara Rawat singing the Thanksgiving rhyme.

The virtual interaction helped children widen their horizons, build on their confidence levels and learn about another country.

Truly, Skype in the classroom engages children in a fun-filled and imaginative learning experience where both the teller and the listener create something magical!