
Special Assembly by Pre-Primary Leo for Janamashtami and Independence Day)

Lets pay homage to the land which taught the world how to live, love and laugh in brotherhood and harmony! We are proud to be the children of that land of festivals, undying spirits, ingenuous hospitality, holy rivers, sacred shrines, lush green valleys, history of diverse cultures, conquests, races, kings and chariots. To our motherland-INDIA!

The Pre-primary wing was ablaze with the colours of the national flag as Independence Day was observed with joy and fervour. The children of Pre-primary Leo displayed love and spirit for their country by presenting a special assembly on Friday, 11th August17. The children wore tri-coloured headgear as a symbol of patriotic sentiment as they sang and danced to patriotic songs. By turn, they even related facts about India with poise.

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The children also sang and danced to the rhythm of ' Jo hai albela. and Radhe Shyam aayenge., as a group.

Head Teacher, Ms. Ritu Singh encouraged us all, especially the little ones, pointing out the importance of both occasions. There was silence as each one listened intently.

The little audience too were swinging ( even as they sat) to the beats!

We stood to sing the national anthem, to conclude the assembly.