
Special Assembly on Basant Panchami class 5

A special assembly on Basant Panchami was conducted on Friday, 12th February 2016 by class 5. As we know, the festival marks Saraswati Puja, hence the assembly commenced with an invocation of the Goddess of Knowledge and Wisdom.

An informative discussion was initiated among the students on the significance of the occasion, by their teacher, Ms. Sushila Negi. Why the worship of the Goddess of Learning coincides with the advent of Spring, why we, traditionally wear yellow that day etc. Several of the children also added unusual details to what she said. Infact, the inputs of some the animated young students were delightful! For example, Adit of 5C had his classmates in splits when he spoke about the Bengali ritual of students offering School books to the Goddess on the occasion and how the day is a happy escape from studies!

ThE exchange was followed by a melodious rendition of the hymn Veena Vadini Var De by the music department which exemplified the spirit of harmony, before the assembly closed with singing of the School song by all present.

Ms. Parul Khungar.