
Special assembly on Bullying by class 4D - It Isnt Big to Make Others Feel Small!

The students of class IVD presented a street play highlighting reasons why some children resort to bullying and what kind of an impact it can have on the victim. What should one do when one is either oneself a victim or a witness to another being subjected to this trauma? The skit accentuated a golden rule-that we need to treat others as we would like others to treat us.

Students stood in formation on the stage, holding aloft posters and shouting out anti- bullying slogans. They sang a delightful song in rap style which spoke of the need to respect one another in the community.

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During the assembly, the distribution of medals and certificates for the National Science Olympiad was also undertaken. School toppers- Hardik Ahlawat, Krunal Patel, Rwiti Roy of class IV and Vatsal Kukreti of class V took the gold medal. Paavni Khanna, Atharav Gupta and Udayan Sandhu of class IV and Kovid Sharma of class V took the silver and Avni Goyal, Pronoy Mitra and Shubhi Kohli of class IV and Teghjyot Singh of class V took the bronze medal.

Dheevam Singh of class IV had us very proud when he received the medal for Excellence at the Zonal level.

The assembly concluded with Vice Principal Ms. Sukhmeen Cheema's address, where she cautioned students about bullying.

Ms. Parvinder Kaur.