
Special assembly on Eating Healthy Food, class 1B. The only wealth is good health

On 29thJuly 2015, class I-B conducted an assembly on Healthy Food where every child participated. Armed with catchy songs and a skit, the children of class I-B tried to make healthy food a habit! The children dressed as fruits and vegetables enacted a skit to convey their message. They spoke with confidence and conveyed the message of making a choice to eat healthy. The assembly highlighted the difference between junk food and healthy food. A group of children sang a song, Lets all make a mixed fruit jam". The assembly concluded with a power point presentation on healthy food. Our young audience were glued to their places and seemed to absorb all they heard! Appreciation by our Head Teacher, Ms. Maini greatly boosted the confidence of our young achievers as the audience cheered loudly for them.

Ms. Sonia Nayar.