
Special Assembly on Our Environment by PS Agena.

A Better Environment means a Better Tomorrow.

We live on Planet Earth with a diverse habitat. This habitat is our environment. Life on Earth in the form of plants, animals and humans is directly related to the environment and is each living being is dependent on another for survival. The constantly changing environment affects life on earth. Human action have a direct impact on the eco-system and if we do not pay attention to our environment we are putting our own existence in great peril. This was the theme of a Special Assembly presented by the children of PS Agena on 4th November15.

Adrika Chowdhury began with a warm greeting for the audience and then proceeded to share a few rare facts about the environment. The children were divided into 5 groups representing plants, trees, birds, animals and human beings which together make up the eco-system. By turn, the children spoke on the topic. Kishika said ' An apple a day keeps the doctor at bay', Pihu, ' Lions can sleep for 20 hours a day', Latika said, ' Lions live in a group called a pride', Samarth , ' A male rabbit is called a Buck' and Mirayaa informed that ' Female rabbits are called Doe'. Each group narrated few lines and followed it with a rhyme, for example, 'Here we go round an apple tree' , ' Hello Mr. bunny rabbit' , ' Five little ducks', ' We love you Earth!' Etc.

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Each child performed delightfully. The children wore brightly-coloured self designed head gear. In order to leave a long lasting impact on the minds of the youngest batch a skit was also presented by a few, which conveyed the message of the importance of going green to save Mother Earth. Finally. the assembly concluded with the children shouting out declamations in a chorus, ' Shoot animals with a camera not with a gun', ' Reduce Reuse Recycle' and ' Respect Mother Earth', etc.

Later a small recap activity in the form of a game was conducted to invite the participation of the children in the audience. A pin board was divided into two halves depicting the happy and sad faces of the earth. Cut-out belonging to the category desired by the child were picked up by him/ her and placed aside. Lo and behold, not a single one chose the sad face!

Bags handmade at School with recycled paper were distributed. The assembly ended with the national anthem.

As told By Ms. Bharti Bedi.