
Special assembly on Pollution by class 4C

The class assembly by IV- C was held on 21 July, 2017. The topic was " Let Delhi breathe" based on the theme Increasing level of pollution in Delhi".

The assembly started with an invocation. Next a skit based on the theme was presented by the children. It seemed to impress the audience as tue children sat attentively to watch the entire skit! The anchors, Ankur and Deepanshi coordinated the assembly well.

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A song was presented by a group of children, which was enjoyable. Students also presented short speeches on the topic How to save the environment and Mother Nature needs us. Steps to preserve the environment were discussed in detail by speaker children. Taarika Chima informed the students about plants that act as natural air purifiers. The assembly concluded with the national anthem.

The assembly was a blend of information and entertainment. It sought to create awareness among young children on a crucial topic like pollution, in an endearing way.

Ms. Upasanaa Bhalla.