
Special Citizenship Assembly, classes 9-11

On the 14th October 2014, a special assembly was held by the Citizenship Council. It was graced by our mentor, Ms. Madhavi Divan, Vice- Chair, Dr. Nayana Goradia, and Ms. Tania Joshi and was hosted for classes 9 to 11.

After the news and thought-for- the- day were read out, a brief introduction on the Citizenship Programme was given by it's captains, Mahima Batheja and Palak Aneja. This was followed by the Citizenship Pledge and a screening of the Citizenship film on civic concerns. The first competition hosted by the Citizenship programme was held for classes 8-12 a month ago. It was held in two categories, firstly, a competition to decide a brand name for the products of Shram Daan. Second, a proposal whereby students could use the proceeds of shramdaan and draw up a self-sustainable plan to create public awareness about cleanliness and thereby make a difference to society . Ms, Divan, member of the School Governing Body gave away awards to Saurab Chakraborty ( runner-up) and to Shubham Airi, ( winner). Ms. Divan shared her thoughts with us on how a change for a better society can only come with unity, greater participation and consistent effort. She also shared the success of Shram Daan products like soaps, diyas, paintings and plants.

[gallery] Shubham Airi then shared this thoughts on how strongly he felt about every student needing to come forward to lend a hand to this programme. He explained his award-winning competition entry to everyone. Defence Colony market had been identified as the market we would like to work on our pilot project for cleanliness awareness. We plan to procure dust bins for this market and the students would draw up a campaign on how important hygiene is for everyone this is to include a nukkad natak on the subject.

Saurabs entry would be looked into after the first project had been implemented. His proposal was on the possibility of rooftop farming.

The assembly ended with the rendition of the Citizenship Anthem by the speakers and the audience and a vote of thanks to all present.

Ms. Sangeeta Aswani.