
Special New Year's Assembly by class V-A.

In the new session of the year, every one eagerly anticipates the beginning of the year, which will bring new vistas of learning, activities, sports and multifarious programmes that will fill the new session.

A special assembly was conducted by class VA on Friday 10 April, 2015. The theme of the assembly was the celebration of Baisakhi the first month of the Hindu calendar, which is called Baisakhi in Punjab, Bihu in Assam and Naba Barsha in Bengal.

The celebration started by the singing of a Baisakhi song, composed by our music teacher, Mr. Sanjeev Choudhary. The title of the song was O balle balle balle It was a catchy, tuneful number and all the students joined in enthusiastically.

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Then Inesh, Chandraboti, Dhananjay, Ananya, Avani, Sanskriti, Harman, Huma and Hargun explained how Baisakhi/Naba Barsha/Bihu are celebrated in Punjab, Bengal and Assam respectively. For the large farming community of Punjab, Baisakhi marks the harvest of the rabi crop and the day is celebrated by performing the joyful bhangra and gidda.

Mesha Sankranti is celebrated as Naba Barsha or Pohela Boishakh in West Bengal. Pohela Boishakh is the first day of the Bengali Calendar. Hence Pohela Boishakh is also known as Bengali New Year. Bengali New Year is celebrated in West Bengal and among Bengali communities in Assam and Tripura. In Assam, Pohela Boishakh is celebrated as Bihu and also known as the Assamese New Year.

At the culmination of the assembly, Harleen, Avani, Chandraboti, Kohinoor, Deeposri, Sanskriti Rudra, Ronit and Revaty presented the typical Bihu dance of Assam much to the enjoyment and merriment of the assembly. Ananya Sundersan then read out her resolutions for the new session.

In conclusion, Principal, Mrs. Joshi addressed the assembly, and welcomed the beginning of the academic year of 2015.

Ms. Pratima Roy.