
Spot Fix

The Citizenship Programme collaborates with New Delhi Rising. On 24th May 2015 at 7.30 am, ten students of our School joined hands with NEW DELHI RISING; a group of active volunteers who help restore, clean, and reclaim public spaces in New Delhi. The students were accompanied by Ms. Sangeeta Aswani and the volunteers of New Delhi Rising. A 'spot fix' was carried out in the pedestrian subway joining Andrews Ganj and Defence Colony which had been vandalised with posters. The clean-up commenced with the volunteers demonstrating to our young enthusiasts the most effective way to remove posters. Protected by gloves and masks and equipped with the requisite material, namely water, hard-bristled brushes, small metal sheets, sand paper, paint and brooms, the children set to work. The entire operation was planned with military precision! The children divided the area among themselves and scraped off the posters, cleaned the granite wall, cleaned and re-painted an adjoining wall and the footpath in approximately three hours! [gallery link="file"] During the course of the morning many pedestrians stopped by to inquire about the ongoing activity. On being told about the spot fix, they lauded the childrens effort and appreciated their initiative to work on a hot Sunday morning. Satisfied with the outcome of their hard labour the children said, All of us have put in a lot of hard work into todays spot fix and we hope that the work sustains. More spot-fixes shall be scheduled soon and we are already looking forward to doing more constructive work. We hope that this movement will prove to be yet another good platform of the Citizenship Programme to sensitise everyone on the importance of keeping our city clean. Ms. S. Aswani, Citizenship Coordinator.