
Spring excursion to the Garden of Five Senses, classes 1 and 2.

The students of classes 1 and 2 along with their teachers went to 'The Garden of Five Senses' in Mehrauli for a Spring excursion on 28 February, 2013.

'The Garden is located in Said-ul-Ajaib village near Mehrauli. The Garden of Five Senses - Why is it called so? The lovely garden is called so, for it has something to please all our 5 senses! Amidst colourful flowers offering and the melody of wind chimes, the children happily embraced the environment.

The air was bracing and the energy adequate as we set off for a nature walk around the Garden especially the Khas Bagh, a beautiful garden, created to replicate the Mughal Gardens. We walked through Neel Bagh, the Colour Gardens, the Courts of Specimen Plants. We saw life size bird sculptures of steel, elephants of stone besides an interesting Solar Energy Park.

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The students settled down on the lush greens of the solar park succumbing to the entreating aroma of their lunch boxes. We then moved to the open air amphitheatre created in the complex where the children spread themselves on the levels for a round of story- telling by their teachers. Stories selected were those of nature and nurture and of wildlife to complement the setting.

As we readied to leave, on popular demand, the children played frisbee and throwball. No prizes for guessing if we boarded our buses in reluctance!

As filled by Ms. Andrea Kandir

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