
Story telling by students of class 5

The morning appeared quite different on Wednesday 25th January 2017 as Rudra Punj, my classmate and I, Anthariksh Nair had been given a rather delightful task by our School librarian, Ms Tarunnum Athar. We were asked to narrate and enact a story for our juniors, class 4E and also to interact with them.

It was fun to pretend to be all grown-up and to play the role of teacher.! The excitement and anticipation we felt ensured that we prepared ourselves well.

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The interaction was to be in the School Library with about 40 children. As soon as we entered, the children looked at us both excited and eager to know what we were going to do. I, suddenly, pulled out an elephant puppet. The audience rather roared, ELLLLEPHANTTT!!!

We, somehow, managed to get the children to quieten down and told them that we were there to narrate a beautiful story and so, needed all of them to be quiet and to listen. The children were very cooperative. Soon Rudra and I, equipped with hand and finger puppets, started our narration.

Out came the elephant, monkey, giraffe, and others, one after the other, as we unfolded the story. According to the story, an elephant was not accepted by the other animals in the jungle because of his size. One day, however, he happened to save the lives of some animals. The other animals immediately realised their folly in judging the elephant too harshly and they soon became good friends with him.

The children listened in rapt attention till the end and were quick to come up with a suitable moral one should not judge others by the appearance!

The experience was an enjoyable one, not just for the audience but for us too. We are extremely happy this opportunity came our way!

Anthariksh Nair, Rudhra Punj (VA).