
Story-telling with Ken Spillman, author of the Jake series, class 3, 17 February, 2012

An extremely interesting and animated session was conducted for the students of class 3 by Ken Spillman, author of the Jake series of books. He read to the children from his 2 books, Jakes Gigantic List and Jakes Monster Mess, rapidly transporting them to a world of wonder.   One, where children could fly, have crocodiles and piranhanas for pets and where a grandma could be a football-ace! Needless to say the children were happily transported. Wide-eyed, some children lost no time offering Mr. Spillman ideas for possible sequels to the stories he told.   Peals of laughter resonated in the corridors as the stories unfolded. Every new bend and flow of the stories obviously seemed to make a magical medley. We are left without doubt that our class 3 is already enriched by several young story-tellers from amongst it's own ranks!