Storytelling on Skype session with a Russian teacher for class 5B
The Monday morning online classes for class V-B of The Indian School turned out to be an extremely fascinating and enlightening experience! The students got the opportunity to interact and engage with an educator in Russia. Ms Nazdezhda Ivanova, teacher of English and based in Krasnoyarsk, Russia, conducted a highly captivating session on Google Meet with over 25 young Indianites on 7 December, 2020 who were accompanied by their class teacher Ms Martina Roy.
The students interacted with Ms Ivanova on a range of topics including about her town, Krasnoyarsk.
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For her interaction with the fifth graders, Ms Ivanova chose a popular Russian folktale, Repka- the Turnip, which is a classic Russian story by Alexey Tolstoy. With the help of a captivating power point presentation, Ms Ivanova brought the story alive for all the students. She spoke about Russias farms and compared these with the rich farming tradition of India, thereby assisting students find common links between the two countries.
The interactive storytelling session was followed by a short Q&A round where the students were asked questions about the folktale. Ms Ivanova was very impressed by the lively and intelligent young learners, as they answered all the questions with ease and confidence. She ended the session with a short presentation on common words and phrases used in Russian and demonstrated how to pronounce them correctly.
The students were delighted as Ms Ivanova showed them some traditional Matryoshka dolls (also known as nesting dolls), one of the most quintessential representations of traditional Russian peasant life. These also represents fertility and motherhood.
The students said that the session was like a dream where they were heard all about a intriguing and new albeit distant culture about whom they had only heard sparingly of.
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