
Summer excursion to Mashobra, 2024

A group of 22 students from classes 5, 6, and 7 accompanied by four teachers, Mr Rohit Dubey, Mr Shankar Sarkar, Ms Sumedha Sikka and Ms Riya Jain proceeded on a educational excursion to Mashobra from 23 to 27 May 2024. The trip aimed to provide a unique learning experience outside the classroom, combining adventure, cultural immersion, and team-building activities.

The journey to Mashobra, filled with anticipation and excitement, commenced at 9 pm from School in a comfortable AC bus. Upon arrival at the Mashobra camp in the morning, the students were welcomed with a brief introduction and allotted accommodation. The day ahead was filled with adrenaline-pumping activities such as rock climbing and jumaring, where students actively participated.

Following a hearty lunch in the dining area, the students engaged in rope obstacles, commando net, Burma bridge, and other team-building challenges. The evening concluded with tea, refreshments and a reflective experience-sharing session, followed by a delicious dinner and overnight stay at the camp.

Day Two began with a wake-up call and morning exercises, setting the tone for another day of adventure. After breakfast, the students tackled the zip line and obstacle courses, fostering teamwork and resilience. A visit to the local village provided the students an opportunity for cultural interaction and understanding of  rural life. Transitioning from a cosy cottage stay to a night under the stars in a tent allowed the students to experience different aspects of camping life. The day concluded with a festive evening featuring tea, snacks, a bonfire and a DJ, creating lasting memories.

After breakfast and check-out from the camp, the group embarked on a visit to Mall Road in Shimla. Lunch at McDonald's and souvenir shopping at Lakkar Bazaar added a cultural touch to the trip.

The return journey to School commenced in the evening, with students reminiscing about their unforgettable experiences. The trip concluded with happy memories and lessons learned. The excursion to Mashobra provided students with a holistic learning experience, fostering personal growth and an appreciation for nature and culture.