Tabla workshop by Pandit Anindo Chatterjee
A three day workshop was conducted by "MATRA" (Music Academy for Tabla Research by Anindo Chatterjee) headed by none other than Pandit Anindo Chatterjee himself. It was a four day workshop from 9th to 12th November 2017.
I registered myself for this event with the link sent to me by my music teacher Ms. Suchismita Chatterjee. It was an amazing experience. I learnt so many new things and even drew inspiration to create some music of my own!
Unfortunately I could not attend the second and third days of the workshop since I had to travel to Amritsar on a School trip. I was able to attend just the last couple of hours on the last day.

It came to me as a big surprise when Pandit Ji himself enquired about my trip and asked me to see him the next morning! My happiness knew no bounds. I felt honoured.
The next morning I reached the Rajasthan State Guest House, Chanakyapuri, where Pandit Ji was staying. He greeted me and led me into his room and asked me to play a piece on my tabla. He was so impressed that he asked me to come to Kolkata to personally learn from him! I promised to visit him after my class 12 board exams.
It is a dream come true for me.
Sanatan Srivastava, XII A.