
Tale of the tribals, a close-up from an expert

On 10th October 2012, students of class 8 to 11 interacted with V. Shruti Devi, tribal rights activist and politician. Daughter of Union Minister for Tribal Affairs, Kishore Chandra Deo and belonging to a family of tribal chiefs, Shruti Devi shared with us her experiences of growing up with people from tribal communities in Andhra Pradesh where she now works. She gave us a fascinating insight into the concerns and challenges of tribal people, the effects of industrialisation and development on their traditional, simple and ethical lives.

Having practised as an environmental lawyer, Shruti Devi told us about the Biodiversity Act and gave us a flavour of the fabulous variety of plant and animal species that flourish in India's diverse ecosystems. We learned the importance of preserving the entire ecosystem to be able to protect any particular species of flora or fauna. So, for instance, the tiger cannot be preserved in isolation. We need to preserve the entire ecosystem as every facet of that ecosystem plays a role in ensuring the survival of the tiger.

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Shruti Devi told us about the pros and cons of genetically modified species - how useful they could be, yet the dangers attached to evolving such new species. We also learned about the contribution that tribal people have played in developing the medicinal and scientific properties of plants through traditional knowledge acquired over centuries. She told us why it was necessary to give tribals their due share for their intellectual property in products evolved through their knowledge.

The interaction concluded with lively questions and answers on subjects ranging from reservation for tribals under the Constitution to whether we can reinvent the dinosaur ! Shruti has generously invited us to her native village for an eco - tourism trip to see tribal culture, rituals and dances and also experience the fabulous biodiversity of this region on the border of Andhra Pradesh and Orissa. We are sure to take up the offer!

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