
Talk for teachers on Artificial Intelligence

The recent development of Artificial Intelligence and its usage in our daily lives requires an unambiguous understanding of the concept. On 16 May 2019, The Indian School organized a session to familiarize its faculty members with the concept of Artificial Intelligence. The talk was by Dr. Jitendra Shukla, Assistant Professor at IIIT Delhi.

Dr Anu Singh commenced the session by introducing the topic and its growing importance. She talked about the latest CBSE Curriculum where AI has been added as a skill subject to meet international standards.

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Dr Jitendra initiated the talk by defining intelligence the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills to solve problems. This was followed by explaining the term Artificial Intelligence. He threw light on the various topics like AI Classification, Intelligent Agents, Reasoning, Planning and Machine Learning. He explained the concept of Acting Humanly, Thinking Humanly, Acting Rationally, Thinking Rationally and discussed The Three Trolley Problem. Using various examples, Dr. Jitendra explained Problem Formulation, creating Agents and Logic or Reasoning the most difficult phase of AI. The process of Sense, Plan and Action was explained in a simplified manner. The problem that the agent solves is characterised by Performance Measure, Environment, Actuators, and Sensors (PEAS). He used simple and easy examples to elucidate the complex and confusing PEAS. He also talked about the difference between Machine Learning and Deep Learning. He discussed and presented snapshots about current AI projects for disabled people and primary students that he is working on in collaboration with AIIMS and IIT.

Ms Vandana Tiwari concluded the session by proposing a vote of thanks to the guest. The session help clarify the concept for the teachers and guide them to thinking of how to incorporate the same at the various levels.