
Talk on Gender Sensitisation for classes 7-9

Gender equality is a human fight, not a female fight

As education is the catalyst for change, gender sensitisation should begin in the early years of a childs life. Keeping this in mind, the students of classes VII-IX attended a talk on Gender Sensitisation by Ms Pooja Goel, professor at Shaheed Bhagat Singh College, University of Delhi, on 31 October, 2019.

She touched upon the topic by giving real life examples of how we form attitudes and beliefs about gender roles from childhood. She questioned the relevance of assigning the colours pink and blue to girls and boys respectively. She further intrigued the students by asking them why games and toys for both genders were different.

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To make the discussion more impactful, Ms Goel played a video which highlighted that at a very tender age, boys are taught to not accept defeat at the hands of girls and if it happens, it is treated as a matter of shame. The important message that she wanted to deliver was that Inequality is learnt, were not born with it.

She encouraged students to move out of orthodox views and underlined the need to stop assigning duties according to gender roles. The session left the students stirred up with thoughts of equality and gender roles.