
Teacher workshop for class 9 English

A two-day workshop on CAPACITY BUILDING IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE for CLASS IX, was held at Sadhu Vaswani International School for Girls on 24th and 25th April 2018. The two resource persons were Ms. Meera Bharadwaj of Ramjas School and Ms. Kirti Tandon of Step By Step School. The workshop was attended by teachers of about 30 schools of Delhi and the NCR.

Ms. Mithu Ghosh represented The Indian School. The main objective of the exercise was to discuss the new syllabus and text books prescribed for class IX and the guidelines set by CBSE for assessment, evaluation, content, and weightage of marks.

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Some of the areas covered were reading for meaning, teaching vocabulary and grammar in context, writing skills, project work and ASL for language learning. The workshop aimed at familiarising trainers and teachers with the current developments and emerging trends in language education and pedagogy in the Indian context. It brought in aspects which a teacher should know in order to provide meaningful experiences for learners in their attempt to learn English which include the ability to understand what they hear, the ability to read with comprehension, to express effortlessly, to write in a coherent manner and to be creative.

It was an informative session and gave new insights into ways of delivering the new syllabus effectively and imaginatively.