
Teacher workshop on Problem-Saving

Are problems really opportunities in disguise?

While some of us would believe they are, there will always be some who think otherwise. It is indeed hard to believe that problems bring opportunities with them!

A workshop organised by the School for teachers on 24 May 2022 brought to the fore that though problems will never cease to come into our lives, we need to always be prepared and equipped to face them with courage and confidence.

The workshop on Problem Solving was conducted by Ms Vandana Tandon of The Times of India NIE. Ms Tandon has conducted over 6,000 workshops in the fields of career guidance, public speaking, leadership, communication skills and theatre, among many others. She has participated in radio talk shows and has contributed articles to various magazines. The venue of the session was the auditiorium and it was attended by teachers of The Indian School and teachers of The Indian School-Second Shift.

The audience nodded in unison as Ms Tandon began the workshop with the catchy phrase Problems are Universal. It was as if each one of us found a voice that reassured us that none of us is alone. Ms Tandon said that every problem comes with a solution. It is just that we need to analyse critically and look for solutions instead of dwelling upon our problems.

Ms Tandon provided a step by step guide to deal with problems and overcome them. The first and the foremost step is to identify the problem. Most of us resort to escapism when faced with a problem. Terming that as an unhealthy practice, she said that only if we accept the fact that we have a problem at hand will we be ready to look for solutions.

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The next step is to frame the problem accurately in words and write it down on paper. A small activity brought about excitement in the room and ensured we got up from our seats and approached a person of our choice with our problem, asking him/ her for solutions. Great camaraderie could be seen as teachers shed their inhibitions and moved about in the hall. Happy, content looks on their faces showed that they were indeed able to find solutions to their problems. This proved Ms Tandon's point that we should not hesitate to seek help from others, along with being sympathetic and empathetic enough to lend a helping hand to others.

Having got the solutions, the next step is to test and analyse each solution, and take the one that works the best for us. Each one of us has different problems, therefore our solutions also have to be different. What works for one may not be suitable for another.

Hurdles and obstacles are a part and parcel of life. We will face them at every point in life. All we need to do is fight back with courage and emerge victorious. The best way to get out of a problem is to get through it. Never before did this adage sound so true!