
The Citizenship Programme report for September, October and November 2015.

September saw little activity as the children were busy with their half yearly exams. However, in anticipation of the festive season, we started procuring raw materials for Diwali, like diyas and wax and planning for their preparation and sale. This time there was an addition of some costume jewellery designed by the children and also crochet glass covers made by underprivileged women. We have now initiated projects for women empowerment where these ladies make items at home and we buy them. The itms include crochet items and packaging. A collection drive was organised on 17th October for THE EARTH SAVIOURS FOUNDATION where parents were offered the option of donating stationary and woollens for the needy. On Gandhi Jayanti, the children conducted a cleanliness drive at Defence Colony Market which was covered by CNN IBN. The nukkad natak was also highlighted. On 3rd October, a special assembly for Citizenship was held where we announced the winners of the essay-writing competition. Teachers and parents who has played an active role in our programme were also felicitated. They were given certificates of recognition and a plant each from the School nursery as a token of appreciation. On 10th October, a large corporate, ST Microelectronics invited our children to perform the cleanliness nukkad natak at their office in Noida and also set up a table for the first sale of the season of shramdaan products. It was a very successful trip wherein our junior nukkad natak team made its debut. On 7th Novemeber, a few students visited the Child Help Foundation and the Palna Shishu Kendra and took some goodies for them. As a follow up, we also organised a collection drive for Palna Shishu Kendra with stationary and clothes for their day care centre. From mid October to end November it was a busy time for our programme as we juggled two projects simultaneously. First we were invited by some members of the Defence Colony RWA to join in the 'SAY NO TO CRACKERS' campaign. Simultaneously we started receiving orders for our shramdaan Diwali products. So, while some students were busy packing and making diyas, another group of students scripted a nukkad natak on SAY NO TO CRACKERS. As the momentum picked up, we were invited to 4 MCD schools and to the Defence Colony Mela to showcase our natak and in the process, we were covered by Hindustan Times, CNN IBN and NDTV for our initiative. Our entire programme was highly appreciated by all those who witnessed the hard work done by our children who indeed worked very hard to spread the message of celebrating Diwali by lighting diyas and eating sweets. We also received some corporate orders for our candles, diyas and plants which were executed with promptness and creativity. We extend a warm thank you to all our parents and staff for the very fruitful months of October and November.