
The Citizenship Update 2014

THE CITIZENSHIP PROGRAM In November 2010, School took on an initiative to instil awareness in the children about their rights and responsibilities as future citizens of the country. This was sought to be achieved through social projects, field work and excursions. This programme was aptly called THE CITIZENSHIP PROGRAMME. The initiative is aimed at exposing and sensitising our children to the larger society they will become a part of and to equip them to be change- makers. The driving force behind this programme is Ms. Madhavi Goradia Diwan, member of the Governing Board and Advocate in the Supreme Court. Co-ordinator of the programme is Ms. Sangeeta Aswani, former VP, PTA at our School. The working committee of the programme are captains, Palak Aneja and Mahima Batheja and their team of enthusiastic student-volunteers who work for all the citizenship committees on a rotation basis for maximum exposure to the work involved. The citizenship programme is divided into committees as follows :- Shramdaan committee "Shramdaan" means "Donation of Labour" - This is a significant and respectable way to help provide services to society for its development and to help those in need. The Indian School makes an ongoing effort to inculcate this among our children by using all proceeds of all sales of various products/artifacts made by children themselves, towards a charitable cause. [gallery columns="3"] The committee is involved in the procuring of raw materials, production, packaging and the selling of products. Products made by the students for this purpose are:- Handmade Soap - Both liquid hand soap and bars are made in the Chemistry Lab from Palm oil, Olive oil and Coconut oil, enhanced with natural fragrances and in a wide variety of colors, shapes and sizes. School also provides additional support with professional workshops to students who are interested in this hobby. There is a variety of packaging devised in-house by our students and teachers from recycled paper. It gives us great pride to inform you that we have completed our first order of 75 pieces of soap packed in beautiful baskets! We hope this is the first of many such opportunities. [nggallery id=173] PAINTINGS Carefully selected framed pieces of art on canvas and paper by students of the art department with the guidance of their teachers. [nggallery id=174] POTTED PLANTS Students learn to art of beautiful potted plants under our creative Gardening Club teachers. [nggallery id=175] DIYAS & CANDLES [nggallery id=176] HERBAL COLORS Natural colours prepared in the Chemistry Lab to be used at Holi. In the coming months, we plan to add Jute Bags, folders and many other products which are in the pipeline. Notice Board Committee It involves the managing of the Citizenship Notice Board and updating it with articles of interest and current affairs. Community Outreach Committee Selected students organize programs and interact with NGOs and plan activities involving community outreach. Workshops are also organized and these children are delegated responsibility from its co-ordination, to welcoming the chief guest to the systematic completion of the workshops, and feedback. Editorial Committee Students manage the Citizenship page on the school website and give regular updates. THINGS TO LOOK FORWARD TO :- A forum for students to speak out on subjects topics they hold close to their hearts and involve social awareness. Debates on current issues. Seminars on career-counseling and on psychological counseling, especially stress management and peer pressure. To increase the effort under the Shramdaan project. To organise fundraisers to create awareness on social issues, and to organise a Talent Hunt which will give a platform to children who are creative in any field but who have not yet been recognised. Our achievements until now this year: 1.) Developing the Shramdaan effort and working regularly towards production. 2.) Conducted a competition to encourage entries from students of ideas on how to use the money collected under Shramdaan that will make an impact on society. Over time, we must grow to become selfsupportive. 3.) Successfully entered the SCHOOL ENTERPRISE CHALLENGE - www.schoolenterprisechallenge.org 4.) Continuous workshops for students and parents by Ms. Sangeeta Aswani and on Female Foeticide. With the support of the parents and students, we hope to escalate our endeavour. If you have any suggestions on how we can grow, please feel free to write to us at citizenship.tis@gmail.com