
Top honours at Connect 2019

On 16 November 2019, Mater Dei School hosted an inter school event for the students of middle school. The event titled Connect 2019 witnessed participation from students of 10 prominent schools of Delhi. A team of ten enthusiastic students participated from our school in a series of four events, namely Rangoli Competition, Spellathon, Promo-Fomo and Tableaux.

The theme of the event was 150 years of Mahatma Gandhi. The event started with the lighting of the ceremonial lamp followed by a speech to remind us of him. The host school paid a tribute to Bapu with a song sung by their choir. Principal, Sister Stella then addressed the gathering to boost the morale of the young participants. The children were then told to proceed to the respective venues for their events.

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All the competitions were based on the theme. For the Rangoli competition our School was represented by Kirtida Aggarwal (VIII) and Pihu Kashyap (VII). Spellathon was a spelling competition in which students from class VI-Shriyah Arora and Shambhavi Singh participated as a team. For Promo-Fomo, our School was represented by Ekveer Sahoo and Uday Soni (VIII). The participants brought alive the speeches of Gandhiji in the event titled Tableaux. Our team comprised Akshay Bhateja, Shourya Sharma, Pranya Sadh and Divyansh Rajoria of class VIII, who chose one of Gandhijis famous speeches which underlined his Swadeshi movement.

Our School finished first in two categories- Promo-Fomo and Spellathon. It was undoubtedly a learning experience for all the participants. Our proud winners jubilantly carried back their laurels to School!