
Top honours at inter school debate

In the fifth edition of the Critical Thinking Round Table organised by Sunbeam School, Lahartara, from 2-4 February 2022 via the online platform, Zoom, our School team won the coveted First Position in the Multi-Format English Debate. Our School team comprising Gunveer Singh Dhir, XII C and Manan Kakkar, X C was judged 'The Best Delegation' among 64 other participating schools. Gunveer Singh Dhir also bagged the title 'Best Speaker- Block and Tackle' . Our students debated on the topic 'Insinuations' in the Extempore Round. The topic for the Turncoat Debate Semi- Finals was ' This house will eliminate diplomatic immunity' followed by 'This house believes that changing a Facebook photo is not an effective way to support a cause neither is becoming an online self -appointed guardian of causes' for the final round.They were indeed exhilarating and memorable moments for our students.