
Training for teachers on Inclusion and Inclusive Strategies

A training workshop on Inclusion and Inclusive Srategies took place on 3rd December at COEFT, Gurgaon. It was conducted by Mrs. Neha Verma, Clinical Psychologist working with Expressions India.

The training team circulated a draft agenda prior to the workshop which was approved by the participants. The workshop began with an ice-breaker session that required the participants to introduce themselves, articulating one personal strength and weakness. The speaker then went on to the concept of integrated and inclusive education.

The first session also covered the concept of special needs, disabilities,various types of learning disabilities like dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia and the differences between special, integrated and inclusive education. The session also included the special role played by the teacher trying to maximise the learning potential of the students.

The second session was taken by Dr. Alka Saxena, Assistant Director ( Health and Wellness), Blue Bells Group, Gurgaon. This covered concepts pertaining to Developmental Milestones, Red Flags and Understanding Emotional Behavioural and Learning Difficulties in ChildrenEarly Identification.

The third session was on a pragmatic approach to modifying behaviour in an inclusive classroom. Here some case studies were discussed.

After lunch, Mrs Neha Verma took over where she asked the participants to divide themselves into two groups for a role play. The groups then presented the result of their discussions and the rest of the participants contributed by giving their comments on each of the presentations. A discussion was held on the skills required for effective counselling. During the discussion, strategies to assist teachers in meeting the needs of the students in an inclusive classroom were highlighted.

The objective of the workshop was to sensitise the teacher towards the special needs of the children with disabilities, to help all children irrespective of their abilities to learn, play and enjoy in a group while taking care of their emotional and physical needs.

Compiled by Abha.