
Vigilance Awareness Week, 30 October to 4 November17

Corruption has become a widespread phenomenon throughout the country. With the objective of building greater awareness about the enduring importance of integrity and honour, School observed Vigilance Awareness Week from 30 October to 4 November, 2017 The theme of the week was ' MY CORRUPTION FREE INDIA' and coincided with the birth anniversary celebrations of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel's birth anniversary.

Multiple activities were conducted at School during this week.

Students of class IX showed their concern about the theme by expressing themselves on posters and cartoons. Classes X XII took the Citizens Integrity Pledge to uphold high standards of honesty and integrity at all times and support the fight against corruption. They pledged to never take nor offer bribe; perform all tasks in an honest and transparent manner and be accountable for all actions, exhibit integrity in personal behaviour and report any incident of corruption.

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An essay writing competition was organised for the students of class XI by the income tax department titled: 'Role of IT in making India corruption free. This motivated some interesting ideas to deal with the problem of corruption from the audience. A special assembly coinciding with the birth anniversary of Sardar Patel was organised by the students of class IX. Activities like debates, presentations, street play and speeches on the concerned theme were presented by the students during the assembly, to spread the message of a corruption free India.

It was a great learning experience for the students. Given the relevance of a corruption free society in today's changing scenario. They were able to learn how preventive vigilance can help in reducing corruption and enhance accountability at various levels.

Ms. Meghna Verma