
Vimhans 2016

It is often said that experience teaches us more than books. Students of the Psychology Department of our School had the privilege of one such experience when School organised an excursion to the Vidya Sagar Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences ( Vimhans), on 10th November 2016.

All the students along with their Psychology teacher and School Counselor, Ms. Sukhmeen Cheema were greeted very warmly at the entrance by Dr. Urvashi, one of the clinical psychologists at the institute. She led us to one of the rooms to help us get started for the day.

The first thing that came our way was the case study of an adolescent who suffered from mild depression, generalized anxiety and OCD. We discussed the case study with Dr. Urvashi who later introduced us to a technique called Mindfulness Integrated Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. For practical experience, she also demonstrated a mindfulness based meditation that left us feeling relaxed and calm. Soon this calmness turned into excitement as it was time for our round of the hospital. We were divided into three groups, with one psychologist leading each group.

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The round started with a visit to the common room, where in-house patients come together to interact. We were also taken to the spot where patients pray each morning. There were private rooms, special mens rooms and womens rooms as well as rooms for people from the underprivileged sections of society. There was a lounge where the patients eat together and there was a gym for patients to work out at.

One of the main attractions of the tour was the Animal Assisted Therapy which is based on the idea that contact with animals can be emotionally comforting to patients. Apart from the treatment, there were provisions for the rehabilitation of patients as well. The integrated sensory room included dance, music and art therapy sessions. The atmosphere of the room was very comforting. We were also taken to the room where Electro-compulsive Therapy is performed. All the rooms had a CCTV camera for the protection of patients. The cameras could also be used to help patients interact with family members far away. There are regular psycho-therapy sessions for family members as well.

Another important aspect of the hospital is the newly introduced integrated therapy system for children with Autism. The team includes a speech specialist, clinical psychologist and counselor. The speech specialists not only work on the verbal but also on the non-verbal aspects of communication. There is a play area for the patients as well where they can indulge in sport like cricket, badminton or go for walks.

After a round of the hospital, we were shown an film about the institute. This later led to a discussion about what we'd seen in the film. We were also taken for the Food Event. This was something new that the institute had introduced for students. All the visiting students were divided into groups of two. They had to 'fix' their own snack reading the recipe provided. This led to a great deal of excitement as well as apprehension! But, in no time, the students managed to put together delicious burgers for themselves! The patients are also made to cook their own food as a part of their rehabilitation.

After the food event, the much awaited session of the day started The Hypnotherapy Session. One of the hypnotherapists discussed the different facets of hypnotherapy. It was an interesting session. Later, to our delight we were all treated to a hypnotherapy session. The therapist had us lie down for the session and induced a trance, of sorts. The experience was quite novel and interestingly a calming one.

Our day at Vimhans was fulfilling. The experiences there will help us to grow.

Aayushi Sharma, XII.