
Virtual interaction for class VC with Swedish peers

The students of Class V-C at The Indian School and The Bstad Montessori School located in Bstad, Scania County in southern Sweden, interacted over the Zoom platform on 30 November 2021.

The students of class V-C were excited and ready with numerous questions for their peers in Sweden. Ms Asha Lakshmi, their class teacher, facilitated the session.

It was a Mystery Skype session wherein the children were unaware of the school or country they would meet. After greeting each other, the two groups began asking questions to identify one another's country. For example, "Are you from Europe?" or " Does the name of your country start with the initial S?". Soon enough after a few questions, students on both sides succeeded in identifying the two countries.

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Shelin Raj of Class V-C bedazzled the Swedes with her Bharatanatyam performance. Next, Ayaan Arora, Aavya, Aryan, Sivansh and Hemaksi rendered a haunting ditty describing the beauty of Sikkim.

Ms Johanna Roth, educator at the Bstad Montessori School, appreciated and thanked the students for their scintillating performances.

The students of both schools showed much interest in learning more about each other's countries. They exchanged information about the climate, festivals, etcetera.

Ms Johanna showed a picture of the Elk, an animal commonly found in Sweden. The V-C students were fascinated to see

the snow in Sweden!

It was a very engaging and exciting session.

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