
Visit of a vegetable vendor- multi dimensional learning

The students of PS and PP had the opportunity of interacting with a vegetable vendor on Tuesday, 31 July 2018 at School.

The visit was organised as a practical experience to complement what was taught in the lesson Healthy Foods. The children were shown a variety of fruits the previous week in the classroom during their Fruit Chaat activity, where the teachers discussed the benefits of each type of fruit. They were shown how the fruit needed to be peeled/ cut etc. They also learnt to differentiated the fruit on the basis of seeded or non-seeded varieties.

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The vegetable vendors visit was welcomed by all the children in great excitement. He brought a variety of fresh vegetables and fruit loaded on a big basket. The most fascinating vegetables were the pumpkin and bitter gourd- the former was promptly identified by its appearance in Halloween celebrations and the later was well known for it bitter and unpopular taste! The children were encouraged to freely express what they observed about the spread before them. Some named the colours of the fruit, others pointed out the shapes, and yet others said that the fruit felt smooth, uneven, grainy or has veins. Some also noticed that the items varied in weight. Some named combinations which they particularly enjoy eating- pumpkin with puri, bhindi with paratha, gajar halwa - puri and aloo tamatar amongst many others.

The teachers explained the value of each type for good health. They also explained the concept if a balanced diet. Expectedly the activity was extremely animated and the children enjoyed facilitating their own learning!