
Visit to 'Catalyst- a medical exhibition at AIIMS for senior students

The students union of the All Indian Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) organised a medical exhibition, 'Catalyst 2016 on 29th April 2016 at the institute. 45 students from our School of classes 10 to 12 visited this. They were accompanied by their teacher Ms. Purvi Mehta.

The exhibition which showcased human body specimens was a delight for our Biology students!

An entrance fee to the exhibition was collected for the purpose of donation, by the medical students, to the Angels Home Orphanage. The Orphanage would then use the amount towards school fees for the orphan children with them.

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Our students had an opportunity to view several anatomical and pathological specimens of humans. They were also shown to a microbiological and physiological experiments that were being demonstrated too. Some human organ specimens were also displayed to allow viewers to observe the cause for degeneration by substance abuse, lifestyle disorders, cancers, etc.

A special attraction for our students was the human brain. They saw the two hemispheres of the brain and were able to compare a normal brain with a pathologically affected brain. Students were also shown the different parts of the brain and given details about their functions. The human skeleton and the different joints of the human body were a treat to observe too. Students were able to observe how the 209 bones in our body are connected and how they enable the different body movements.

The exhibition provided students with information beyond their textbooks. Being given the opportunity to view specimens such as the ones they observed first hand, was indeed an invaluable experience, appreciated by them all.

Ms.Purvi Mehta.