
Visit to Deer Park - Class 1

Deer Park is located in South Delhi and is a popular place for nature enthusiasts. Many people visit the place either to walk, jog or spend time with their families on weekends. The park houses a duck park, rabbit enclosures and several picnic spots. It is called Deer Park because there are a large number of deer in the park. There is a large enclosure in the park for deer to roam free, play with each other, have an occasional friendly fight and provide a learning and entertaining experience to visitors, particularly children. The children of class 1 visited Deer Park on 19th February 2016. They were accompanied by their class teachers. Expectedly, they were excited about their excursion and looked forward to seeing deer, ducks and rabbits in their natural habitat. The children were curious and repeatedly quizzed their teachers about the animals. The teachers patiently shared interesting facts about the animals and pointed out several things for the children to observe. They explained that a male deer has antlers while a female one has horns. The children watched in awe as a large, colourful peacock spread its feathers. They were fascinated by the different hues on the peacocks feathers. They watched the rabbits huddled together in their enclosures. The children were also shown the bark of different trees and taught to differentiate between the textures and notice the variegated colours. After the nature walk, it was time for some fun games which the teachers had organised. They then sat down to savour the snack they had brought along. It was a fun experience and the joy and happiness of being amidst nature on a welcome Spring morning was evident from their faces.

Ms. Shweta Arora