
Visit to Firoz Shah Tughlaq ( Citizenship Programme)

As we know our School has adopted the tomb of Firoz shah Tughlaq of the Delhi Sultanate, who ruled from 1351-1388. The students of Class VA and B together with fourteen students of Class XII left for the monument at 8.30 am on Saturday 11 April, 2015. The objective of the visit was to orient the children of what is entailed when a monument is adopted. That the tomb is well-maintained, kept tidy and the younger students understand the historical background. Pranati of class 12 gave a short biographical outline of Firoz Shah Tughlaq and his achievements during the ride to the tomb.

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On reaching our destination, the students were split into small groups. The junior students were expectant and happy about the trip and they enthusiastically introduced themselves to their seniors. Each group was led by a senior student who directed the class V students to different parts of the tomb and gave them a briefing on the background of the tomb. Two particularly interesting parts of the tomb were the three chhatris in one part of the enclosure as also the Hauz Khas (tank) , which is a beautiful lake enclosed in greenery. A madarsa was also seen. The students learnt that Firozshah Tuglaqs reforms resulted in bringing about general peace and prosperity to the people due to which some historians like Elliot and Elphinstone called him the Akbar of the Sultanate.

Later the students sat around to sketch the various features of the tomb and its surroundings,. These would be memorabilia to carry back home. As they finished, they undertook to sweep the area and remove the garbage strewn around.

Before our departure for School, a group photograph of the children with the tomb as the backdrop was taken. Soon the bus arrived and we reluctantly boarded back.

Ms. Pratima Roy.