
Visit to Gandhi Smriti-class 4

On 6th February 2016, the children of class 4 were taken on an excursion to Gandhi Smriti on Tees January Marg. Here, in the garden of the erstwhile Birla House, our dear Bapu was martyred on 30 January, 1948.

About a hundred children of class IV, along with their teachers, boarded the buses for the memorial, that fresh spring morning. Martyrs' Day was just past us and the children had thus been refreshed about the Father of the Nation recently. Evidently they were animated and chatted incessantly about what all they were about to see!

The corridors were a picture book on the life of the Mahatma. From his early days in South Africa, he had armed himself with courage to take on the British imperialists. The children moved quietly as they absorbed in awe, what they saw and heard. The tour culminated at the venerated spot where Bapu fell and an imprint of his footsteps lies embedded in the floor. A solemn reminder of his eternal message that we must keep peace, whatever the provocation.

The museum also housed a hair-raising pictorial recreation of the Jallianwala Bagh massacre, besides numerous photographs, sculptures, paintings, frescos, and inscriptions on rock, etc associated with the life and times of the Mahatma which kept the little ones engaged. The Eternal Gandhi Multimedia Museum on the upper floor, is possibly the first of its kind in India, presenting Gandhis entire life in the form of a new age digital archive, with over 40 exhibits using physical tactile media, laser beams, computers and catchy sound-effects to replay Gandhiji's thoughts and teachings for all to appreciate and marvel at. The exhibits included musical bamboo poles, charkhas and a multi-hued kaleidoscope carrying Gandhis messages and a xylophone that played Gandhis favourite hymns.

The highly interactive museum aims at bringing Gandhi and his values closer to the newer generations, in an engaging manner.

We returned to School filled with a renewed sense of patriotism for our motherland and her greatest soldiers.

Ms. Parvinder Kaur.