
Visit to the Deer Park, class 1.

A picnic was organised for the children of class 1 on 18 February, 2015. The trip was to be an educational as well as a recreational one. Expectedly the children were excited and soon we were in its becoming environs. The sight of the deer, peacocks and rabbits in a natural environment at close quarters promoted great delight in the children. They learnt that male deer have antlers and female deer have horns. They saw a peacock spreading its majestic fan of feathers and butterflies in myriad hues.

A nature walk through the park was also a joy. The teachers pointed out the different patterns of bark, leaves and even tree tops. We identified certain fragrant shrubs and even named a few common birds. The Spring air was bracing and the fauna seemed to frolic equally in its freshness.


Soon we settled down in a comfortable spot and spread our picnic fare of chana, kulchas and banana. Hungrily the children dug into the snack. Thereafter a short time for free play saw some sitting around leisurely whilst some others played catch. Some others stood against the deer enclosure to watch the animals.

Back at School, the children settled down to making illustrations of the scenes at the park. Each one was distinctive and we were overwhelmed to observe the unusual images produced our little artists.

As told by Shweta.