Visit to the National Physical Laboratory (NPL)
On 28th September 2017, students of class XIA visited the National Physical Laboratory, which hosted Open Day for students. It was a rich opportunity to visit and acquaint with new techniques and research equipment which may not be always possible otherwise.
We visited two blocks at the lab due to a time constraint. Most of the equipment we saw was something that had a significant role to play in our class XI and XII syllabi. Given below are the things we saw and learnt there.
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- Ultrafast transient absorption spectography with femtosecond laser.
- Superconductors using liquid nitrogen or liquid helium at -271.4 degrees centigrade
- Nanostructure of fabrication of polarisation
- Raman spectography- Raman shift
- Mobile radiation
- National standards of mass & length
- Cesium atomic clock
Whilst we were not familiar with the first three things we saw, we had a good idea about the others as they form a part of our syllabus. Finally, we were escorted to the auditorium where we saw what the NPL does, including the various research projects that are underway.
It was a very valuable learning experience for all of us and we are hopeful of using the knowledge in future.
Abhimanyu Marwah, XI-A.