
Visit to the National Science Centre for class 5C

"Science is a beautiful gift to humanity, we should not distort it." - Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

The Indian School organised an educational trip for the students of class V to the National Science Centre on 8 August 2019, in it continual attempt to ingrain scientific temper among the young students. One hundred and forty one students accompanied by five teachers visited the centre on the occasion.

The students were given a brief introduction to the world of science by the instructors of the centre in the amphitheatre.

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The students took a tour of the following galleries -Water- the elixir of life, Our science and technology heritage, Prehistoric life, Fun science. The galleries showcased a plethora of exhibits that contained various demonstrations and exhibits including magic tap, string- less piano, energy ball, marine and freshwater aquariums, to name a few.

The young enthusiasts attended brief shows based on the various aspects of science organised by the centre. The main attraction was the Science on Sphere programme which is a unique show that uses high end projectors to display planetary data on a giant digital globe. The young pupils were amazed to see how their planet looked from outer space alongside other celestial objects!

Next, the students watched a Holo show that provided vital and vivid information about the different human organ systems.

Last, but not the least, the students watched a show on 'stars' in the planetarium which they immensely enjoyed.

The trip aroused great curiosity among them. It was indeed a motivating and enriching experience for the students.